Monday, January 14, 2013

Stevie Ray Vaughan

The second mural is done!

I have been busy working on my second mural in the Verbecky home. I finished ZZ Top and now am done Stevie Ray Vaughan. This is so much to step out of my comfort zone but still play around with bold colors and even splatter painting technique. I have two more to go, so stay tuned!

The Center for Creative Arts Christmas show and sale was so great. I made some sales and met some great people. I want to thank them for allowing me to show my work in their gallery. I am now looking into possibly signing up for the Edmonton Art Walk this coming summer. It should be a great opportunity for me and my art, so I am hoping it all works out.

I am going to be teaching some little art groups with children who want to express themselves creatively. I can't wait. I love encouraging children to explore art, especially when their isn't a specific final product. Just create! It is going to be amazing! Let me know if you have a little creative spirit who would love to find a fun place to explore art.

Thanks again for everyone's support!